
[Tim Keller] Your Plans: God's Plans

댄인서울 2015. 8. 7. 00:04

The only way to understand God's plans for us is to see Christ truly and trust him fully. Gods plans for us are not abandoned to fate; our choices matter, and once we have committed entirely to His will, we can receive his guidance humbly and boldly.

A sermon by Pastor Tim Keller. 

좀 더 젊을 때 이런 말씀들을 들었다면 삶을 얼마나 더 지혜롭게 살 수 있었을까. 그렇지만 as the Bible says, I know I'm in the middle of His guidance. 그래서 감사함만 가득하다. Father, help me know that You are with me amidst all my storms, guiding me and showing me the right course to take.