Colossians 1:21-29
Embarrassment only comes when we are not certain about the things we do and the words we say. If we are truly certain about something, we will not be ashamed of it no matter how it look to others. I see everyday some people trying to share the gospel to others on streets, shouting out some verses from the Scripture. The general reaction to those people is contempt. To my shame, I cannot deny that even myself have grimaced at them(I repent for have done so) when walking by them.
Public evangelism is being looked down these days. I even hear from the news that the city is trying to legally ban public evangelism unless previously registered to city office. I feel more and more shy about publicly sharing my faith and the Gospel. Maybe this is because I am not really sure about what I believe.
From the Scripture, I can see a person who wasn't like me at all. Paul was full of excitement which was way surpassing a mere confidence. He wasn't just "not shy" about the gospel, but he just couldn't resist his joy coming from the gospel. The joy was so great that no trial or pain could stop him from spreading the Word. He keeps talking about this joy prevailing the difficulties he was facing for sake of the Colossians church.
Paul was able able to have this joy, not because he was a fanatic, but only because he was so sure about the power of the gospel which was revealed to him. He experienced how it really changed his life, and since then he put all his faith on it. the Gospel was real to him.
I need God's mercy on me that He may come to me like He did to Paul, and wake me up from all my fears to see and put my faith on what is real. I pray that God would give me grace that I may always remain in the joy of the Lord regardless of my circumstances. I cannot overcome those fears, but only God can give me courage and strength, "for the joy of the Lord is my strength."