[John Piper 존 파이퍼] What Does It Mean to Be Gospel-Centered? 1. To be gospel-centered is first to do everything you do in reliance on blood-bought grace and promises.2. To be gospel-centered is to do everything you do with a view of displaying the all-satisfying grace of God.3. To be gospel-centered is to live so that you show the glory of God, treasuring above all things the One through whom grace comes. 더보기 꽃길 바람 분 뒤 학교 테니스장 옆으로 아름다운 꽃길이 생겼다. 더보기 May in Yonsei 5월의 연세대학교 풍경 더보기 이전 1 ··· 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ··· 79 다음