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Colossians 4:1-9 ​​Paul teaches to the Colossians church on their attitude towards outsiders. His teaching is not a grand mastery of doctrines, but a quite simple yet profound one. He told them that they should walk in widsom towards outsiders in order to make the best use of time, because the time is near. ​​​ Before giving this instruction, Paul first asked the Colossians church for prayers that God would open.. 더보기
Colossians 3:18-25 Christ-likeness doesn't simply mean that we establish a vertical relationship with God, but it really means that we also reach out horizontally. We, however, easily forget the importance of establishing this horizontal relationship with others. In the Scripture, Paul is teaching the Colossians church how they should treat others. He talks about husband-wife relationship, servant-master relations.. 더보기
Colossians 3:12-17 ​​Wearing a certain kind of clothes is one of the ways to show what kind of person we are. Policemen wear officer's uniform, doctors wear doctor's gown, and Christians wear the clothes of righteousness. In the Scripture, Paul is urging the Colossians church that anyone who has put off the old self with its practices should now be clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patienc.. 더보기
Colossians 3:1-11 An absence of something doesn't mean an existence of another. This is also the case for godliness. The absence of sin doesn't mean that we automatically become holy and righteous. The absence of sin and becoming holy in His sight are of totally different levels. God not only freed us from sin, but also raised us to a level of holiness.The Scripture says that if we died and are raised with Christ.. 더보기
Colossians 2:16-23 Paul was warning the Colossians for holding onto worldly things other than Christ. The Colossians church was prevalent with heretic practices at the time, and the members of the church were not free from secular worldview. Their lives were in many aspects contaminated by impurities. But the Scripture says that when we die on the cross with Christ, we then no longer live to the world. All our sin.. 더보기
In Christ Alone (예수 안에 능력있네) - Kristyn Getty In Christ, there is hope for life. The Scripture says that Jesus Christ, who is the head of all rule and authority, came down to the earth with the whole fullness of deity under human body. God has opened the way for all who dwell in Christ to share this glory with Him. By dwelling in Christ, we also partake in His death, resurrection, and sanctification. This leads us to another question, how c.. 더보기
Colossians 2:1-8 Paul's heart for the people he'd neither met nor seen is quite surprising. We can see from the Scripture how earnestly he prayed for people at the Colossians church and even voluntarily went through struggles for their sake that they might fully know Christ. How could this have been possible? It's even hard to sacrifice ourselves for people we are close to, but how can we bear burdens for total .. 더보기
Colossians 1:21-29 Embarrassment only comes when we are not certain about the things we do and the words we say. If we are truly certain about something, we will not be ashamed of it no matter how it look to others. I see everyday some people trying to share the gospel to others on streets, shouting out some verses from the Scripture. The general reaction to those people is contempt. To my shame, I cannot deny tha.. 더보기
Colossians 1:9-20 God doesn't exist for our own happiness and comforts, but it is I who exist for Him and His glory. We live in a world where an individual's rights to be happy and to be satisfied are prior to any other values. The world keeps telling us that we are the most important beings, and we are very special. What I must not forget in this world is the supremacy and the preeminence of God. After all, I am.. 더보기